Festive Fajitas


Happy 4th of July! In honor of Independence Day I offer you a fun and easy meal that can be created on or off the grill. Fajitas, a typically Tex-Mex fair, are super simple to make and everyone loves them! The only ‘special’ thing you need is fajita seasoning, and even that is optional.


To start out, get your ingredients together. Most people love chicken fajitas, although I tend to prefer beef. I make both though, so just follow the steps and you will be fine. If you are cooking on the grill I recommend cooking your meat and then cutting it. It adds extra time, but it is easier on you!


To start out you cut your meat into thin strips. Place the strips in a pan with a little oil, enough to keep them from sticking, and cook on medium high until done! Easy, peasy. Season with fajita seasoning halfway through and you are good to go.


Meanwhile, cut your onion and bell peppers into thin strips or rings.


In a separate pan that is lightly oiled, cook them on medium until nice and brown and soft. Yum! I used red bell pepper for a festive look, but green is typical.


Now to the toppings. Heat your flour shells in the microwave or on the grill until soft and warm. Top with guacamole, sour cream, salsa, and cheese. Eat up!

Serve with refried beans and Spanish/Mexican rice for an authentic Tex-Mex meal!


Festive Fajitas


1 pound chicken breasts

1 pound cube steak or skirt steak

Fajita seasoning (to taste)

2 large onions

1 large bell pepper

Oil for cooking, as needed

1 package flour shells


Sour cream

Shredded cheese




  1. Cut the meat into thin strips. Place in oiled skillet on medium high heat and cook, stirring often, until done. Spice with fajita seasoning to taste halfway through.
  2. Cut the onions in thin rings and the bell pepper in thin slices. Place in greased skillet and cook on medium until onion is soft and brown.
  3. Heat flour shells until warm and serve with guacamole, sour cream and salsa.

Serves 6-8